Archive for August, 2010


Posted: August 15, 2010 in English

“You can travel millions of miles in a single life without ever scratch the surface of places,

or learn by people anything just touched upon.

The direction of travel is to stop and listen anyone with a story to tell ”

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Here photos of the first activities day of Cartastorie youth exchange.
Energizers, getting to  activities, cooperation and group games……using the paper too!
The energy  is positive, the days we are going to spend together are few and then we live full time ………
because ‘we do not know when we will have again such possibility.

“CARTASTORIE” comincia!

Posted: August 1, 2010 in Il Progetto, Italiano

Oggi e’ giorno di arrivi per “Cartastorie” youth exchange. 5 ragazzi dalla Romania e tre dalla Turchia sono gia’ qui da noi. Gli altri, turchi, francesi e portoghesi arriveranno tra stasera e domani.

Poi quello che succedera’ e’ tutto da vedere: conoscenza, vita comune, uscite sul territorio, laboratori con la carta, esibizione finale.

Vi terremo informati!

Ciao e buon lavoro a tutti ragazzi!

Today  is arrival day for “Cartastorie” youth exchange.

8 persons from Romania and Turkey are already here. Other participants from Turkey, France and Portugal they will arrive between tonight and tomorrow.

Then what will happen is all to see: knowledge, community life, live the area, laboratories with the paper, final exhibition. We’ll keep you informed!

Goodby and good luck to all guys!